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Is your teen not listening? Here’s how to build a respectful relationship

Establishing a respectful connection between parents and teenagers requires a careful balancing act between communication, understanding, and trust. The teenage is a transitional stage in life where adolescence sets in and they are neither a kid nor an adult and where independence is explored, which frequently results in miscommunication or conflict. To create a happy and helpful relationship, open communication without being judgemental can be developed as a means of bridging this divide.
Prasanna Vasanadu, Parent Educator and Founder of Tikitoro, shared with HT Lifestyle some valuable tips and ideas on how parents and teenagers can develop mutual respect. (Also read: Real vs reel friendships: How teenagers and young adults can build genuine connections in digital world )
Teenagers are extremely perceptive about other people’s opinions of them. Teens are more reactive than adults or school-aged children due to changes in the limbic system of the brain that occur during puberty. Studies reveal that when teenagers get criticism from a family member, the emotional brain physically takes over, dominating the brain regions linked to social cognition and reason. This makes it difficult for them to react correctly or understand their parent’s point of view, which ruins communication.
Remember to maintain your calmness. When your teen acts rudely, it can be irritating, but yelling won’t help the situation. Step back as an adult and consider what your youngster might have been trying to convey. Consider strategies to help them communicate more successfully, as there may have been a period when they were unable to do so. If you can’t maintain your composure, decide to carry on the conversation at a later time when you are more composed.
It’s important to keep in mind that quality time with your teen comes before quantity. It’s not necessary to spend every evening with your adolescent, but make sure you schedule a special meal or a day trip so they can relax or engage in their favourite activity. Your youngster, regardless of age, will undoubtedly value the time spent and anticipate upcoming activities.
Maintaining one’s privacy is essential to building trust in a partnership. Teens want greater control over their lives as they become older, whether it is in terms of friendships, hobbies, or even daily schedules. While giving their teenagers direction, parents should also give them the flexibility to make some decisions on their own. Trust works both ways.
Teens are more likely to behave responsibly if their parents show that they believe their adolescents can make wise decisions. This does not imply total laissez-faire parenting, though. While constant surveillance can cause emotions of suffocation and resistance, it’s crucial to keep an eye on things and check in on a frequent basis without becoming intrusive.
